Our 6th annual Spare an Hour campaign was our best yet. We donated €5600 for Our Lady’s Hospice and we must thank every one of our temp workers for generously donating hours of their pay to the cause! Between our temps and internal staff, we raised an incredible €1800. In previous years, Three Q has matched this donation but in 2018, we pledged to donate double the figure raised by our internal staff and temps. This effectively meant that for every hour worth of wages our temps donated, it would be worth three hours. In fact, Three Q donated a little over double making it €5600.
How the Recipient is Chosen
Every year the recipient of 3Q’s Spare an Hour Campaign is chosen democratically via a vote by our team. This year, Our Lady’s Hospice was selected while in previous years our team has voted in charities such as Aware, and Dublin Simon.
Temp Consultants
Temp consultants Costina and Charlotte were thrilled with the compassion and enthusiasm shown by our temp panel. They were excited to tell our team that 100% of our temps have opted in, that some temps were donating 2 hours, others were donating 4 and others donated even more! There’s a great energy in the office when we hear about how our temp workers have shown so much enthusiasm for the Spare an Hour campaign!
Temp Worker Draw for Participating in our Spare an Hour Campaign
Every temp worker who participated in our Spare an Hour Campaign for Our Lady’s Hospice were entered into a draw for a €100 One4All for voucher. Our HR Coordinator James and our Temp Consultants Costina and Christina conducted the draw and uploaded a video of it onto our social media pages. Congratulations to Barbara who was the lucky temp who won the prize!#
Presenting The Cheque with our Three Q Temps
A representative from Our Lady’s Hospice came to our office to receive the cheque for €5600. We also invited two of our temps, Bisi and Barbara, who had won the draw for the €100 voucher to deliver the cheque to Our Lady’s Hospice and they were happy to help us!

Listen to Suzanne, Three Q’s Operations Manager and Costina, our Temp Consultant praising our temp workers for their incredible generosity and how much they love running this campaign!
We at Three Q PERMS and TEMPS believe that we can make a big difference. If you want to learn more about the work we do in our community, you can go to our Corporate Social Responsibility page on our website here.