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We are creative beings. Creativity is at the core of our very nature. For millennia, humans have been inventive and innovative in the way that we live and work. We have evolved exponentially in the last few decades. For some of us, the explorer within was restricted due to our parents wish to protect us which may have inhibited our self-exploration. Our very core can sometimes create a deep inner desire, which we may not immediately understand, to reroute our career. Identifying this protective boundary can be the first step to our breakthrough, and exploring unknown territory to our creative self.

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Creativity to Explore a Career Change 3

At times in our lives, we may find ourselves at a crossroads in our career. We may feel that there is a deeper search within for something that is at that time unknown. It is only when we ‘test the water’; step out in faith and dare to explore, that we can discover other opportunities available to us which can enrich our lives. To follow such a path requires inner strength and determination to follow it through. The search can also benefit from much creativity on our part.

Techniques that can help with the journey of exploration:

  1. Quiet the mind; find peace; allow the mind to search and the answer may come. This can be achieved by practicing a mediation process that works for us. It can be as simple as doing some breathing techniques at the start of the day or taking a walk in nature.
  2. Ask family and friends for feedback and insights on new work opportunities that we may not have explored yet.
  3. Improve or develop networking connections that will help us such as signing up with a recruitment agency. This can open the door to new jobs and provide insights on areas to up-skill.
  4. Experiment with new-found ideas for a career change. One way to identify if it is right for us is to volunteer in a similar role with a local organisation or charity.
  5. Create a vision-board to help start the process and bring it all together. This will take time, so be patient with the process.
  6. Set goals to avoid becoming stuck in the process.
  7. Identify and implement healthy values that can become part of the metamorphosis.

Do more in your life than just merely exist, explore and have some fun on the journey!” – 3Q Perms & Temps. Remember to experiment and take the opportunity to learn while exploring. Enjoy the process of being creative on the journey of self-discovery; it just might lead to a better and more creative life!

#Creativity #Wellbeing #Exploration #Career #Work #RecruitmentAgency

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