Many of us go through our lives holding a protective layer or bubble that surrounds us. We may have experienced hurt on one or more occasions in the past which caused us to put a barrier of protection up each time. Over time this wall of protection may have gotten so high that we don’t know how to take it down or we may have become so safe living in our own little bubble that we don’t take too many risks or allow too much of the outside into our lives. This can also be true if we worked in a job that brought a lot of hurt and was not the right one for us. However if we are willing to risk and pluck up a little courage, to begin with; who knows where this new journey could take us?
One day we find ourselves applying for a new job. The thought of not being selected for the position or the dreaded rejection, even before the interview takes place, can instil a sense of another refusal or little success at this interview. Unconsciously, during the interview, our body language may send the wrong signals to the interview panel, who may view the protective layer as a closed type personality or worse a hostile type personality. We may self-sabotage our best chances to succeed on this much needed job.
We don’t have to keep ourselves trapped in this bubble, out of fear of being hurt, rejected or to avoid pain. We can discover that learning from each experience can make us stronger and create an opportunity of new possibilities which could be life changing. In life there are no guarantees of not getting hurt, especially if we let our guard down. However, if we are willing to take a positive risk, dust ourselves down from the last experience and take a chance, then just maybe it will be the right decision to go for that interview with the possible reward of a new job, and who knows maybe even a new beginning in life.
There is an old saying; “you won’t know until you try” and it sure beats not doing anything! We can draw on our inner-resilience, push beyond our comfortable boundaries, step into the unknown, and dare to believe and achieve an incredible new life. Remember the words of Winston Churchill: “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Call us today, on 01 8783335 or email if you would like to chat with a member of our vibrant team, to explore your options and new opportunities.
#Risk #courage #job #interview