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As we come to the end of the summer, it can be a good time to reflect on the year that was. Reflection can flow into both our personal and professional lives. It is good to evaluate and consider our future. We can think and plan ahead. One area in our work life that can always be updated and improved is our curriculum vitae. Gone are the days when employees remain loyal to just one employer, and stayed until their retirement. Switching careers has become normal for most people nowadays.

Reflection can include: how far we have come in our career; are we in the right job and what courses we can sign up for to up-skill and improve our current set of skills. Part of the review process will need to include a revamp of our resume. The design and content should include current skills and experiences together with evidence of recent qualifications. There are many tips that help with updating its content including:

  1. Reduce the content of the document down to two pages, ensuring that it is concise and informative, and relevant to an upcoming job application.
  2. Create a two sentence introduction that will captivate the potential employer’s attention at first glance. Keywords relevant to upcoming job interviews will jump out and attract interest.
  3. Host dates to the left side and content to the right. Ensure that it is consistent throughout.
  4. Insert small tables to host key information, such as course module titles.
  5. Try not to leave date-gaps. If there was a reason for time lags, it is better to explain the reason for this. For example, some employees may have taken a career break for a couple of years to care for their parents.
  6. Use an easy to read font such as Times New Roman or Calibri.
  7. Use 12 font for easier reading, 14 font if the content will fit on two pages.
  8. Ensure that margin widths are consistent.
  9. Finish the document with two references including both their email address and phone number. Ensure that each nominee is aware that they are a reference and available for potential contact with the employer.

It can be refreshing to do a review and revamp on our curriculum vitae as it can provide inspiration to undertake a relevant course or to apply for a promotion. The positive effects can ripple into other areas of our lives. It can prompt addressing personal improvements. One of these can be assessing our wellbeing and creating new ideas for a better way of living. It is important to have a little fun along the way. “Make each day your masterpiece!” – John Wooden.

#Reflection #Review #Revamp #CurriculumVitae #Tips

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