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Blogging on the industry they love in a positive and thoughtful way, Nurses can become subject matter experts; where there are many ways a nurse can utilise social media to a healthcare advantage, such as promoting the profession through educating the public, or to promote their outside, health-related endeavours and interests.

Having an individual blog and social media presence shows their dedication to the field, helps them stay on top of trends in the industry and looks great to employers.
On the other hand, increasing visibility through an online presence can help nurses get ahead in their career, which in some cases, could lead to a higher position and/or a raise.

Nursing is a very inspiring profession, so will be your blog, if you decide to speak your mind out. You save lives and you work hard everyday, and you never know who might be reading your blog one day. You might inspire an existing Nurse who needs a little motivation to continue with her day, because sometimes just knowing that someone else feels the way you do or has experienced the same thing can make you feel better. You might drive someone to want to become a Nurse with the genuine and sincere words that you write.

You could be sharing tips on how to cope with workplace stress, or help answering questions about advanced nursing degree programs… You will always be heard!

We would love to hear from you, it could be anything you want to talk about; an experience, a tip, a funny story, a thought, or an idea… Email us your words on our “sister brand” and will share it with all Nurses out there.

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