Health & Safety during COVID-19 / Coronavirus
Our Temps’ Health & Safety is our priority & in these changed times please take the time to read, digest and talk with us about the new H&S measures in the places you work due to COVID 19.
Each facility our Temps work in will have their own Health & Safety and Infection Prevention & Control measures. Please take the time to get familiar with these instructions. Review the COVID-19 information on your HR Locker Profile, read the information we have sent you via email, text & Whatsapp & please talk to us about any questions, queries or concerns you may have.
Personal Protective Equipment
If you work in a facility that requires wearing personal protective equipment, or you want to learn more about it and how to use it safely, the following information and video comes from the HSE website. Your work location is responsible for providing personal protective equipment to the personnel that require it. Our responsibility is communicate and share the HSE Health & Safety Guidelines with our Temps so all of us are educated in and have the resources available to us, to learn the Health & Safety and Infection Control measures put in place.
Personal protective equipment such as is valuable as an additional protection for patients and staff. It should only be used where it is likely to be beneficial as outlined in the HSE Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) guidance. It should not be used in other settings where it does not provide any benefit. The unnecessary use of PPE will deplete stocks and increases the risk that essential PPE will not be available to help protect you, your colleagues and patients when needed.
Video: How to Put On & Take Off Personal Protective Equipment – HSE
Resources for COVID-19 Health & Safety Information
Information for those working in healthcare facilities can be found on The Health Protection Surveillance Centre: Corona Virus: Guidance For Healthcare Workers
For all of our Temps working in the HSE, You can keep up to date with HSE guidelines here: HSE: Coronavirus (COVID